Browse Items (36 total)

KP discusses effigies, other memories.wav
Kenneth Pressley discusses his memories of the scene at Mansfield High School in 1956, including the hanging effigy. "It was a different world back then," Pressley said.

KP discusses 56 events.wav
Kenneth Pressley discusses the events he witnessed at Mansfield High School in 1956 during the attempt to integrate the school. He says now it seems like "it's just a part of history."

KP discusses when integration actually happened.wav
Kenneth Pressley discusses when integration in Mansfield schools took place in 1965.

KP, discusses fed government.wav
Kenneth Pressley discusses why he thinks some Mansfield residents were upset about the integration efforts of 1956 during an oral history interview.

Davis, L. Clifford (OH# 1818).pdf
Transcript of an oral history interview with attorney L. Clifford Davis of Fort Worth, Texas

Pastor Floyd Moody, a plaintiff in Jackson v. Rawdon, discusses his life in Mansfield during the Jim Crow era, the crisis itself, and the integration of Mansfield during a 2015 oral history interview.
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